Multicultural Services

Centacare FNQ is the lead provider of multicultural services in Far North Queensland. We have been delivering programs that promote a safe, welcoming and supportive space for newly arrived refugee and migrant communities, as well as those seeking asylum for over forty years.

Our vision is for a thriving and inclusive multicultural community 

where everyone is able to participate and contribute.

Centacare Multicultural Services operates from our Multicultural Services Hub located at 212 McCormack Street Manunda and our primary focus is on:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Employment & Training
  • Social Cohesion

Centacare FNQ's Multicultural services team focus on providing support for newly arrived migrants and refugees to settle into the community. 

Our Multicultural services team also delivers a range of community engagement and development projects that support the settlement of new arrivals and promote multiculturalism and social inclusion.

Quick Exit Service Enquiry