Centacare Social Wellbeing Hub Team Respond to COVID-19 restrictions with a Positive Approach

  04 June, 2020  ·    Astrid Murray

Centacare Social Wellbeing Hub has responded to the COVID-19 restrictions with a very positive approach and have modified our fun wellbeing group sessions into a blend of wellbeing phone calls and a more digital approach to how we communicate with our clients. During our Wellbeing Sessions, the team have continued to offer clients activities including guided exercises, quiz challenges and music trivia that often concluded with a sing-a-long. The team also took the opportunity to educate the group on COVID-19 news, updates and precautions they need to observe to remain safe.

Together with the telephone and online Wellbeing Sessions, a fortnightly newsletter was created which included COVID-19 information, a section relating to the Wheel of Wellbeing (WOW), recipes, jokes, inspirational quotes, tips for gardening and the most popular one -  exercises from a chair which was demonstrated by team member’s in a series of photos!

The team were determined to sweeten the taste buds of our clients so baked for Easter, Anzac’s Day and Mother’s Day and, following strict social distancing procedures, personally delivered the biscuits to clients’ homes. 

What a pleasure! Our team is working tirelessly as you read this, using their creativity to support the wellbeing of our clients during this difficult time. The team are very much looking forward to returning to the centre next Monday and being able to welcome back clients personally.

Contact Us!

For more information about the Social Wellbeing Hub please call 07 4055 0890 or email us at [email protected]

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Centacare Social Wellbeing Hub Team Respond to COVID-19 restrictions with a Positive Approach
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